Quotes From "Primordial Traditions Volume One" By Gwendolyn Taunton

Languages, symbols and universals do not change, they cannot by virtue of what they — thus, with the passing of the Ages, Tradition does not change, but the form in which it decides to manifest does — thus some religions succeed whilst others fail and become extinct. Tradition itself can never cease to exist, but the religions which are its voice perish with the rise and fall of civilizations . Gwendolyn Taunton
The difference between the modern laws and those of the past is that wisdom is no longer a respected requirement and it has become secondary in importance to bureaucratic procedure. Gwendolyn Taunton
Like the end, the myth of the beginning overlaps the cycle of birth and death, unfolding like a Möbius strip in ceaseless continuum, which is the paradox that sits above and beyond intellectual explanation in the realm where empirical logic halts. Gwendolyn Taunton