Quotes From "Perfection: A Memoir Of Betrayal And Renewal" By Julie Metz

She was my friend and I loved her and relied...
She was my friend and I loved her and relied on her, even though there were days when her moodiness and fragility frightened me, because they reminded me of my own tenuous grasp on life. Julie Metz
Relax. You are beautiful, and everyone wants some of that...
Relax. You are beautiful, and everyone wants some of that beauty. Julie Metz
I learned that day that there is no more lonely state than being in a lonely marriage. Julie Metz
I had hoped that the rest of the world would stand still while I got myself together again, but Chaos and Tragedy had marched into other lives close to mine as well. Julie Metz
Hypocrisy has its own elegant symmetry. Julie Metz
At some point, I had to start laughing, because I was all wrung out from crying. Julie Metz