Quotes From "Peace Like A River" By Leif Enger

How could we not believe the Lord would guide us? How could we not have faith? For the foundation had been laid in prayer and sorrow. Since that fearful night, Dad has responded with the almost impossible work of belief. He had burned with repentence as though his own hand had fired the gun. He had laid up prayer as if with a trowel. Leif Enger
When a person dies, the earth is generally unwilling to cough him back up. A miracle contradicts the will of earth. Leif Enger
You can embark on new and steeper versions of your old sin, you know, and cry tears doing it that are genuine as any. Leif Enger
SOON, he replied, which makes better sense under the rules of that country than ours. VERY SOON! he added, clasping my hands; then, unable to keep from laughing, he pushed off from the rock like a boy going for the first cold swim of spring; and the current got him. The stream was singing aloud, and I heard him singing with it until he dropped away over the edge. Leif Enger
Before reaching Grassy Butte, though, Dad spied a farmhouse with two pumps in the drive and a red-and-white sign out front saying DALE'S OIL COMPANY. Another sign said CLOSED, but a light was on in the house and Dad pulled in, saying, "I believe we might prevail on Dale. What do you think?"" Prevail on Dale, " I repeated to Swede."To make a sale, " she added." And if we fail, we'll whale on Dale--""Till he needs braille! "" Will you guys desist?" Dad asked. Leif Enger
Many a night I woke to the murmer of paper and knew (Dad) was up, sitting in the kitchen with frayed King James - oh, but he worked that book; he held to it like a rope ladder. Leif Enger