Quotes From "Orfeo" By Richard Powers

I don't know any sad songs. Except for the funny...
I don't know any sad songs. Except for the funny ones. Richard Powers
We will not sleep, but will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. You'll see me again. But you'll never know when. Hear that shifting, ambiguous rhythm, that promise of all things possible, and the ear is on its way to being free. Richard Powers
The job of taste was to thin the insane torrent of human creativity down to manageable levels. But the job of appetite was never to be happy with taste. Richard Powers
Music forecasts the past, recalls the future. Now and then the difference falls away, and in one simple gift of circling sound, the ear solves the scrambled cryptogram. One abiding rhythm, present and always, and you’re free. Richard Powers
Sooner or later, all men will do and know all things. Richard Powers
The thing about music was that you never knew the shape of anyone’s desire. Richard Powers
Creation is much in need of ordering. Richard Powers
Chance was just an order that you hadn't yet perceived. Richard Powers