Quotes From "Once A Girl Now A Woman" By Nikki Rowe

Everyone is overcoming something, be gentle.
Everyone is overcoming something, be gentle. Nikki Rowe
I dont live in a fantasy; just a dream, that's to hard for some to believe. Nikki Rowe
There's something about kindred spirits, you meet them and for a moment this world no matter ugly, makes sense. They bring a sense of freedom and clarity to one conversation; just enough to remind you of who you are. Nikki Rowe
Her life is lived through the masterpiece of art, that she cannot draw. Nikki Rowe
Someday we will forget the hardship, and the pain its cause us; we will realise, hurt is not the end. lessons appear to teach us strength, we learn happiness is an inside job and to cure our insanity we must not fear what is to come, but believe in what we've been taught. Nikki Rowe
It almost occurred; It almost got hold of my purity, Just as it headed for the war within my being, I fed it a light so bright; It thought it almost had control of me. Depression is just a dis-ease, So; Let your mind be free Nikki Rowe
I live by feeling, my intuition surfaces with the radiance of the moon; and the footing I take must be walked in truth. this world is too dark to think of it any other way. Nikki Rowe
Cherish the beauty and cherish the pain, both will give you experience and you will never be the same Nikki Rowe
Forgot what you think and remember what you feel. Nikki Rowe
There's something so quietly contained in the moments when one reaches their hand out to support your tragedy. It's hardly ever spoken about, but the feeling of belonging to somewhere, or someone for a split second, gives you enough power to carry on a few more steps. When the world is full of compassionate people like this, the world will know Unconditional Love. Nikki Rowe
I remember sitting back, on a local beach I called home; thinking about the wild storms I had already faced, the chaotic thunder I somehow learnt to dance through. This time, remembering it, was different. I had no emotional attachment, I felt free of the past and could quietly seperate who I was with who I am now and this moment was empowering , because had I not faced the greatest disasters with courage, I wouldn't have learnt the mastery of life. My self awakening. . Nikki Rowe
The greatest disaster of self; comes not with experience of failure, but the fear gained belief; about what you think you cannot achieve Nikki Rowe
There" is not your dream, "here" is.. To create it, to become it and to live in it. The journey of your triumphs and setbacks are apart of the process now, stop getting ready to get ready and start living in the essence of your movements NOW. Nikki Rowe
You can't expect someone to understand your journey, when they've hardly lived one of their own. Nikki Rowe
I dance to the beat of the earth the memories are the lyrics I write nature leads my soul through this existence I call life. Nikki Rowe
Nature, take my breath with you; renew it with the wild breeze and fill my being up with so much soul, ego learns to fade away. Nikki Rowe
What made her most beautiful, was the way she quietly touched those around her unknowingly changing the lives of the many, she smiled at. She didn't want praise; approval or admiration, she just wanted all of whom she loved to be the most authentic side of themselves & openly living to the means of their hearts & truth. Nikki Rowe
But darling if he loved you, would he want to see you cry? Nikki Rowe
The wise teacher appears, not for the structure of the student; but for the freedom of the people. Nikki Rowe
Don't hold on too long;to which does not belong, Don't shed a tear; for all the pain that's gone, Create a new;from the wisdom of the past, Open your heart wider, as storms do not last. Nikki Rowe
Provide a safe place for people to be their 100% self, this world is already guarded and fearful, trained to keep walls up and throw away the keys. A harden heart is no pure reality and for too long, we have all stood to allow it; so instead of excusing mimisfortune, let's bathe eachother in compassion and grow beyond what we've been taught Nikki Rowe