Quotes From "November 9" By Colleen Hoover

You’ll never be able to find yourself if you’re lost in someone else. Colleen Hoover
When you find love, you take it. You grab it with both hands and you do everything in your power not to let it go. You can’t just walk away from it and expect it to linger until you’re ready for it. Colleen Hoover
You can’t leave yet. I’m not finished falling in love with you. Colleen Hoover
If we’re going to kiss, it has to be book-worthy. Colleen Hoover
I would never let anyone else borrow my heart if...
I would never let anyone else borrow my heart if I know there’s a chance in hell you might want it back. Colleen Hoover
I think about you every second of every day and I don’t know how to get over you, ” she says.“ Don’t, ” I beg her. “Please don’t get over me. Colleen Hoover
You left with my soul in your fists and my heart in your teeth, and I don’t want either of them back.” ~Ben Colleen Hoover
Sigh"?"Eye roll Colleen Hoover
Whether or not the couple ends up together at the end of a book doesn't determine whether the book has a happy ending or not. As long as the two people end up happy, it doesn't really matter if they end up happy together. Colleen Hoover
Fate.A word meaning destiny. Fate. A word meaning doom. Colleen Hoover
This is why I choose not to have real-life girlfriends. I can’t even pretend without starting a fight. Colleen Hoover
People say not to judge a book by its cover, but what if you somehow read the inside of the book without seeing the cover first? And what if you really liked what was inside the book? Of course when you go to close the book and are about to see the cover for the first time, you hope it's something you'll find attractive. Because who wants an incredibly written book sitting on their bookshelf if they have to stare at a shitty cover? . Colleen Hoover
It´s been over two years since someone else´s tongue has been inside my mouth, so I would assume I´d be a little more hesitant than I am. But the second he slides it against my lips, I immediately part them and welcome the warmth of a much deeper kiss. Colleen Hoover
Fallon, I’m worked up so damn tight. I’m going to kiss you now and I’m not sorry. Colleen Hoover
His mouth, coupled with the way his hand is sliding down my arm, is all too much. So much. Good much. So good. I just whimpered. Colleen Hoover
Loving someone doesn't just include that person, Ben. Loving someone means accepting all the things and people that person loves, too. And I will. I do. I promise. Colleen Hoover
I enjoy reading books like that because it’s not at all the life I lead. It’s completely different than any situation I’ll ever be in, thank God. But I get entertainment out of it. Because as much as I like to read about a guy telling a girl she’s so, so wet for him..if anyone ever said that to me during sex, I wouldn’t be turned on by it. I would be terrified I accidentally peed on myself.' Ben laughs. 'And if you and I were having sex and you told me you owned me, I would literally crawl out from under you, put on my clothes, walk out of your house, and go puke in your front yard. Colleen Hoover
But that's the thing about cancer. They call it the fight, as if the stronger ones win and the weaker ones lose, but that's not what cancer is at all. Cancer isn't one of the players in the game. Cancer is the game. It doesn't matter how much endurance you have. It doesn't matter how much you've practiced. Cancer is the be-all and end-all of the sport, and the only thing you can do is show up to the game with your jersey on. Because you never know.. you might be forced to sit the bench for the entire game. You may not even be given the chance to compete. . Colleen Hoover