Quotes From "Norse Mythology" By Neil Gaiman

In their huge bedroom that night, Tyr said to Thor, "I hope you know what you are doing."" Of course I do, " said Thor. But he didn't. He was just doing whatever he felt like doing. That was what Thor did best. Neil Gaiman
Loki's green eyes flashed with anger and with admiration, for he loved a good trick as much as he hated being fooled. Neil Gaiman
One of the dwarfs walked in front of Thor to get a better view of the prye, and Thor kicked him irritably into the middle of the flames, which made Thor feel slightly better and made all the dwarfs feel much worse. Neil Gaiman
Loki was trying to look serious, but even so, he was smiling at the corners of his mouth. It was not a reassuring smile. Neil Gaiman
On the day the Gjallerhorn is blown, it will wake the gods, no matter where they are, no matter how deeply they sleep. Heimdall will blow Gjallerhorn only once, at the end of all things, Ragnarok. Neil Gaiman
He is tolerated by the gods, perhaps because his stratagems and plans save them as often as they get them into trouble. Loki makes the world more interesting but less safe. He is the father of monsters, the author of woes, the sly god. Neil Gaiman
I learned the Norse gods came with their own doomsday: Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods, the end of it all. The gods were going to battle the frost giants, and they were all going to die. Had Ragnarok happened yet? Was it still to happen? I did not know then. I am not certain now. Neil Gaiman
In Muspell, at the edge of the flame, where the mist burns into light, where the land ends, stood Surtr, who existed before the gods. He stands there now... It is said that at Ragnarok, which is the end of the world, and only then, Surtr will leave his station. He will go forth from Muspell with his flaming sword and burn the world with fire, and one by one the gods will fall before him. Neil Gaiman