Quotes From "Natural Selection" By Elizabeth Sharp

Well, more or less, you just got struck by lightning."" Wait, what?" My brain stopped processing for a prolonged moment unable to wrap around that one. How the hell had that happened? "So basically I was filled with 1.21 jiggawatts? Can I travel through time now? Elizabeth Sharp
Did you just seriously quote Grease? I think I'm gonna...
Did you just seriously quote Grease? I think I'm gonna have to revoke your man card. Elizabeth Sharp
Nate shook his head with a crooked grin.
Nate shook his head with a crooked grin. "You haven't gone Back to the Future, McFly. Elizabeth Sharp
Know me, Amber. I am Amelia Hoffman, and that, " I said emphatically, gesturing towards them, "is my family. And if you or anyone does anything to harm them, I will turn the wrath of the Earth Mother on you. I will turn this entire town into a desert waste if I have to, but I will protect my family. If that makes us enemies, then I will weep for you when you are dead. Elizabeth Sharp
What he would have given to be that plaything in her hands... Amanda Lance
If she had loved him, he would have opened windows, allowed all of that precious light of hers in she wanted! If she could tolerate him, he would have donated to every stinking animal shelter in her name, quit his drinking habits completely, and played music for her anytime she wanted! He would have gone out, faced the cruel public, and embraced their scorn just to be close to her, continued to hide in the shadows of her life until she needed him… If she had loved him, he would have done anything. Amanda Lance