Quotes From "My Life At The Mbrc" By K.M. Shea

Excellent. Aristotle will introduce you to the employees at the desk, ' Dr. Creamintin beamed.' What what? I shall do no such thing! " the fluffy little owl argued. 'Cease your complaining Aristotle. Until Dave and Frey return, you haven't any work to do. Now go introduce the poor girl, ' Dr. Creamintin ordered. 'Nevah, I say, nevah! ' the owl decided, shaking his little butt. 'Too bad, I say, too bad, ' Dr. Creamintin mocked before snatching the little bird off his stand on Felisha's desk and throwing him out of the office. . K.M. Shea
But, I still can't totally forgive Dave for blowing my world apart. DO YOU HEAR THAT, DAVE?! K.M. Shea