Quotes From "Muse" By Susie M. Hanley

A Guardian is only as strong as its Muse.
A Guardian is only as strong as its Muse. Susie M. Hanley
So his flunkies are what, pirates?
So his flunkies are what, pirates? Susie M. Hanley
Don’t give me that Christian forgiveness bullshit, Dukach. I’m a vindictive Jew! ” he’d bellow. Jonathan Galassi
We angels are misconceived in the human world. People perceive us as kindly and bountiful; when, in truth, we are about as fluffy, as gentle, as yielding, as rattlesnakes. Rebecca Lim
This is a love story. It’s about the good old days, when men were men and women were women and books were books. Jonathan Galassi
In 90 percent of cases, you could tell within a page or two whether the writer could write. Jonathan Galassi
Publishing would be so wonderful without those wretched authors. Jonathan Galassi
It was the artists who finally gave their times and places significance. Paul felt the presence of their ghosts out in the world, just as felt them in his office and in his head. The air was full of them. They were everywhere and always would be. Jonathan Galassi