Quotes From "Mirrormask" By Neil Gaiman

We've had our ups and downs since then, but that's what families have, ups and downs. Neil Gaiman
We often confuse what we wish for with what is. Neil Gaiman
You can't run away from home without destroying somebody's world. Neil Gaiman
A plop of rain hit me on the face, one of those early raindrops that turns up five minutes ahead of all the others to let you know it's time to get indoors. Neil Gaiman
There was a grumpy librarian in the library. I could tell that he was the librarian because he seemed to be made of books. I told him that we needed information, and he got us some butterfly nets and sent us up to the top floor of the library. I wondered why we were carrying nets. Valentine didn't know. The book I wanted was pretty obvious. It was called A History of Everything.Finding it was easy. Catching it, however, was not. The moment I reached for it, the whole shelfful of books took off into the air, fluttering like pigeons, and suddenly I knew what the butterfly nets were for. I waved the net about and eventually I caught A History of Everything. As soon as I'd got it, all the rest of the books flapped back to their shelf, all except one, a little red-covered book, which fluttered over my head happily. Neil Gaiman