Quotes From "Meeting His Match" By Katee Robert

She never thought she'd be into sex that was so overwhelming and desperate, but after that night on the dining room table she started eyeing his furniture in a whole new way. Would he take her on the couch in the formal living room? Or how about the kitchen counter? Maybe his wonderful shower with no less than three showerheads? It made her hot all over just thinking about it. Katee Robert
Right now, all he wanted was to get her to take that first step. "I'm not going to tattoo my name on your ass. I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. Katee Robert
She looks like a mop."" And this is exactly the problem." She waved at his entire body. "You can't even stop yourself from insulting an innocent animal. How am I supposed to get you ready for decent company?"...." For your information, Gollum in a komondor. They're a breed with bold and majestic history."" A history of cleaning floors? Katee Robert
What does successfully matching me have to do with a damn dog?"" Gollum will make you more approachable. You need that--- desperately."" There's not a damn thing approachable about that beast."" Something you have in common. Katee Robert
So let me get this straight. You have no hobbies. You don't care what this woman looks like as long as she can "doll herself up" and entertain herself and pop out a few babies for you?" His gray eyes gave away nothing, but she again had the sneaking suspicion that he was testing her." That sounds about right. Katee Robert
And here I thought I'd get by on my charm and good looks."" That'll get you a first date. It won't get you a second one with anyone who'd be suitable." When he laughed, she look up from her notes. Holy hell, the man had laugh lines to rival his little brother's. Then what he'd said hit her. "My God, did you just make a joke?"" It's been known to happen. Katee Robert