Quotes From "Man Plus" By Frederik Pohl

I was worried about sex, " he went on. "But you know what, Sulie? It's like being told I can't have any caviar for the next couple years. I don't even like caviar. And when you come right down to it, I don't want sex right now. I supposed you punched that into the computer? 'Cut down sex drive, increase euphoria'? Anyway, it finally penetrated my little brain that I was just making trouble for myself, worrying about whether I could get along without something I really didn't want. It's a reflection of what I think other people think I should want. Frederik Pohl
The bump of ego on his skull had swollen large, so he saw the whole world in terms of what it could give him. Frederik Pohl
The FDA just ordered them off the market. The glaze is supposed to be poison–provided you drink at least forty cups of tea out of one of them every day of your life for twenty years. Frederik Pohl