Quotes From "Lullaby" By Chuck Palahniuk

No matter how much you love someone, you still want...
No matter how much you love someone, you still want to have you own way. Chuck Palahniuk
Anymore, no one's mind is their own. Chuck Palahniuk
The best way to waste your life is by taking notes. The easiest way to avoid living is to just watch. Look for the details. Report. Don't participate. Let Big Brother do the singing and dancing for you. Be a reporter. Be a good witness. A grateful member of theaudience. Chuck Palahniuk
Experts in ancient Greek culture say that people back then didn't see their thoughts as belonging to them. When ancient Greeks had a thought, it occurred to them as a god or goddess giving an order. Apollo was telling them to be brave. Athena was telling them to fall in love. Now people hear a commercial for sour cream potato chips and rush out to buy, but now they call this free will. At least the ancient Greeks were being honest. Chuck Palahniuk
Centuries ago, sailors on long voyages used to leave a pair of pigs on every deserted island. Or they'd leave a pair of goats. Either way, on any future visit, the island would be a source of meat. These islands, they were pristine. These were home to breeds of birds with no natural predators. Breeds of birds that lived nowhere else on earth. The plants there, without enemies they evolved without thorns or poisons. Without predators and enemies, these islands, they were paradise. The sailors, the next time they visited these islands, the only things still there would be herds of goats or pigs. Oyster is telling this story. The sailors called this "seeding meat." Oyster says, "Does this remind you of anything? Maybe the ol' Adam and Eve story?" Looking out the car window, he says, "You ever wonder when God's coming back with a lot of barbecue sauce? . Chuck Palahniuk
Some people still think knowledge is power.
Some people still think knowledge is power. Chuck Palahniuk
The voice says, maybe you don't go to hell for...
The voice says, maybe you don't go to hell for the things you do. Maybe you go to hell for the things you don't do. The things you don't finish. Chuck Palahniuk
After long enough, everyone in the world will be you...
After long enough, everyone in the world will be you enemy. Chuck Palahniuk
There are worse things you can do to people you...
There are worse things you can do to people you love than kill them. Chuck Palahniuk
Either a species learns to control its own population, or...
Either a species learns to control its own population, or something like disease, famine, war, will take care of the issue. Chuck Palahniuk
True pain teaches us to grow. You aren't finished yet. Dylan needs you. Rebecca Salas
No one wants to admit we're addicted to music. That's just not possible. No one's addicted to music and television and radio. We just need more of it, more channels, a larger screen, more volume. We can't bear to be without it, but no, nobody's addicted. We could turn it off anytime we wanted. I fit a window frame into a brick wall. With a little brush, the size for fingernail polish, I glue it. The window is the size of a fingernail. The glue smells like hair spray. The smell tastes like oranges and gasoline. Chuck Palahniuk
In a world where vows are worthless. Where making a pledge means nothing. Where promises are made to be broken, it would be nice to see words come back into power. Chuck Palahniuk
You'd be surprised just how fast you can close the door on your past. Learn needlepoint. Make a stained-glass lamp. Chuck Palahniuk
History is filled with brilliant people who wanted to fix things and just made them worse. Chuck Palahniuk
Do you know why most survivors of the Holocaust are vegan? It's because they know what it's like to be treated like an animal. Chuck Palahniuk
Old-time ranchers planted cheatgrass because it would green up fast in the spring and provide early forage for grazing cattle, ” Oyster says, nodding his head at the world outside. This first patch of cheatgrass was in southern British Columbia, Canada, in 1889. But fire spreads it. Every year, it dries to gunpowder, and now land that used to burn every ten years, it burns every year. And the cheatgrass recovers fast. Cheatgrass loves fire. But the native plants, the sagebrush and desert phlox, they don’t. And every year it burns, there’s more cheatgrass and less anything else. And the deer and antelope that depended on those other plants are gone now. So are the rabbits. So are the hawks and owls that ate the rabbits. The mice starve, so the snakes that ate the mice starve. Today, cheatgrass dominates the inland deserts from Canada to Nevada, covering an area over twice the size of the state of Nebraska and spreading by thousands of acres per year. The big irony is, even cattle hate cheatgrass, Oyster says. So the cows, they eat the rare native bunch grasses. What’s left of them..“ When you think about it from a native plant perspective, ” Oyster says, “Johnny Appleseed was a fucking biological terrorist.” Johnny Appleseed, he says, might as well be handing out smallpox. . Chuck Palahniuk
Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now? Chuck Palahniuk
Why are you singing?” Daniel asked. “You’re just lying in the dirt and singing. That’s weird. I thought you were supposed to be some kind of scary monster. Amanda Hocking
What about an amnesiac, who awakes having lost his memories and must learn of his past from scratch? Has he died? How can we be just memories? How does that leave us with enough? Bernard Beckett