Quotes From "Love Notes From Vinegar House" By Karen Tayleur

But what I do believe is that if you're a girl who was born in Homsea, a girl who lives in a nothing kind of house with an ordinary kind of family, then you can't know everything about the world and that it's probably good to keep an open mind about things, just in case. Karen Tayleur
... I don't believe in ghosts - not the scary white sheet, boogie-woogie type of ghost anyway. And yet ... I don't disbelieve either. I'm kind of sitting on the ghost fence, dangling my legs on both sides, not sure which way to jump. I think I might be here for a while. Karen Tayleur
Which is when I decided I would never love anyone again because you just felt like an idiot when you put love out there and it didn't come back your way. Karen Tayleur