Quotes From "Long Division" By Kiese Laymon

This writing thing, it ain’t like that hip hop shit, City. For li’l niggas like you, ” he told me, “this writing thing is like a gotdamn porta potty. It’s one li’l nigga at a time, shitting in the toilet, funking up the little space he get. And you shit a regular shit or a classic shit. Either way, ” he said. “City, you gotta shit classic, then get your black ass on off the pot.” He actually grabbed my hand. “You probably think I’m hyping you just for the money. It ain’t just about the money. It’s really not. It’s about doing whatever it takes for you to have your voice heard. So I don’t know what you’re writing in that book you always carrying around, but it better be classic because you ain’t gonna get no two times to get it right, you hear me? . Kiese Laymon
Black is not a vice. Nor is segregation a virtue. Kiese Laymon