Quotes From "Letters From A Selfmade Merchant To His Son" By George Horace Lorimer

Of course, clothes don't make the man, but they make all of him except his hands and face during business hours, and that's a pretty considerable area of the human animal. A dirty shirt may hide a pure heart, but it seldom covers a clean skin. If you look as if you had slept in our clothes, most men will jump to the conclusion that you have, and you will never get to know them well enough to explain that your head is so full of noble thoughts that you haven't time to bother with the dandruff on your shoulders.. Appearances are deceitful, I know, but so long as they are, there's nothing like having them deceive for us instead of against us. . George Horace Lorimer
I want to say right here that the easiest way in the world to make enemies is to hire friends. George Horace Lorimer
There’s no easier way to cure foolishness than to give a man leave to be foolish. And the only way to show a fellow that he’s chosen the wrong business is to let him try it. George Horace Lorimer
It has been my experience that, even when a man has a sense of humor, it only really carries him to the point where he will join in a laugh at the expense of the other fellow. George Horace Lorimer
I want you to learn right at the outset not to play with the spoon before you take the medicine. Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting off a hard one makes it impossible. Procrastination is the longest word in the language, but there’s only one letter between its ends when they occupy their proper places in the alphabet. George Horace Lorimer
But some people, and especially very young people, don’t think anything’s worth believing unless it’s hard to believe. George Horace Lorimer