Quotes From "Language In Thought And Action" By S.I. Hayakawa

It is not true that 'we have only one life to live'; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish. S.I. Hayakawa
If our ideas and beliefs are held with an awareness of abstracting, they can be changed if found to be inadequate or erroneous. But if they are held without an awareness of abstracting-if our mental maps are believed to be the territory-they are prejudices. As teachers or parents, we cannot help passing on to the young a certain amount of misinformation and error, however hard we may try not to. But if we teach them to be habitually conscious of the process of abstraction, we give them the means by which to free themselves from whatever erroneous notions we may have inadvertently taught them. . S.I. Hayakawa