Quotes From "Lady Of Light And Shadows" By C.L. Wilson

If honor were reserved only for those who never err, none of us would be worthy, " Rain answered. C.L. Wilson
I don't want you to go." She reached up to touch his face and pull him down to her. "I want this, Rain. I want you. C.L. Wilson
He sat beside her. "What sort of things did you dream of?"" Oh, what most young girls do, I imagine. Fey tales. True love." She gave a small, self-conscious laugh. "You. C.L. Wilson
When he caught his breath, he regarded her with glowing, half-closed eyes. "If I'm very, very good, shei'tani, will you do that again when we're alone? C.L. Wilson
His hand trailed down the side of her face, brushing back spiraling tendrils of hair. "Come, shei'tani, dance the skiles with your mate. C.L. Wilson
Oh, Ellie, you look beautiful. Like a Fey-tale princess. C.L. Wilson
She glanced down and gasped, and her arms slapped into place to cover all her most interesting bits. He grinned. The robe and gown were sheer and he had not spun undergarments. She scowled. "This is not what I would call being 'very, very good.'"" That is a matter of perspective, shei'tani. From where I'm standing, it looks very, very good indeed. C.L. Wilson
If I get in the water in this outfit, the cloth will turn completely transparent."" I know, and I'm looking forward to it more than you can imagine. C.L. Wilson
Do you know how a pearl comes to be?"" Oysters make them, from a bit of sand."" Aiyah. From a bit of sand." He rolled the pearl between his fingers. "All pearls begin as something unpleasant that the oysters cannot expel from themselves, even though they may want to. So they embrace these things that will not leave them, shaping them and smoothing away the sharp edges, until over time, they make of these unwanted things great treasures. . C.L. Wilson