Quotes From "Kharmic Rebound" By Aaron Lee Yeager

Most people who idealize strength are ignorant of how it is acquired. Someone who is in constant agony does not notice a prick of the finger. Profound suffering sets a higher threshold, allowing one to bear with ease that which would have been burdensome before. If you wish to be strong, know first that this is the path of it. -The Holy Scrolls of Soeck, Seventh Binding, Thirteenth Stanza Aaron Lee Yeager
That’s what I said the first time I was called a hero. But you’re going to find that hero is a title other people give you; you don’t really get a say in the matter. Now me, I’m the kind of hero that slays the dragon. I overthrew the ArchTyrant and ended the age of Ragnarok..” he trailed off, his eyes distant. “..of course, ever since then I have been unable to reform the beauracrats and the nobles. Despite my best efforts, they beat me in the end.” He cleared his throat and looked up. “Now you, on the other hand, you are a different kind of hero. You take the dragon home with you. You feed it, teach it, tame it, befriend it. You remove the threat by changing its heart, rather than actually slaying the beast. Aaron Lee Yeager