Quotes From "Justine" By Marquis De Sade

‎"..θα πρέπει να αντιληφθείÏ‚, αγαπητή Τερέζα, ότι τα αντικείμενα δεν έχουν, κατά την άποψη μαÏ‚, άλλη αξία από εκείνη που τουÏ‚ δίνει η φαντασία μαÏ‚ . Marquis De Sade
I suppose the secret of his success is in his...
I suppose the secret of his success is in his tremendous idleness which almost approaches the supernatural. Lawrence Durrell
People only see in us the contemptible skirt-fever which rules...
People only see in us the contemptible skirt-fever which rules our actions but completely miss the beauty-hunger underlying it. Lawrence Durrell
Underneath an artist's preoccupations with sex, society, religion, etc. (all the staple abstractions that allow the forebrain to chatter) there is a soul tortured beyond endurance by the lack of tenderness in the world. Lawrence Durrell
Art–the meaning of the pattern of our common actions in reality. The cloth-of-gold that hides behind the sackcloth of reality, forced out by the pain of human memory. Lawrence Durrell
For us artists there waits the joyous compromise through art with all that wounded or defeated us in daily life; in this way, not to evade destiny, as do the ordinary people, but to fulfill it in its true potential - the imagination. Lawrence Durrell
Poverty is a great cutter-off and riches a great shutter-off. Lawrence Durrell
I have done so many things in my life, " she said to the mirror. "Evil things, perhaps. But never unattentively, never wastefully...was I wrong? Lawrence Durrell
If, though full of respect for social conventions and never overstepping the bounds they draw round us, if, nonetheless, it should come to pass that the wicked tread upon flowers, will it not be decided that it is preferable to abandon oneself to the tide rather than to resist it? Will it not be felt that Virtue, however beautiful, becomes the worst of all attitudes when it is found too feeble to contend with Vice, and that, in an entirely corrupted age, the safest course is to follow along after the others? . Marquis De Sade
There is no rational commensuration between what affects us and what affects others; the first we sense physically, the other only touches us morally. Marquis De Sade
Does not everything depend on our interpretation of the silence around us? Lawrence Durrell
It is hard to fight with one's heart's desires; whatever it wishes to get, it purchases at the cost of the soul. Lawrence Durrell