Quotes From "Inside The Kingdom: Kings Clerics Modernists Terrorists And The Struggle For Saudi Arabia" By Robert Lacey

In fighting its war, the Ministry of the Interior has resorted to a novel tactic—marriage. No Saudi official will admit on the record that the Kingdom’s terrorist problem might boil down to sexual frustration, but if a social system bans hot-blooded young men from contact with the opposite sex in their most hot-blooded years, perhaps it is hardly surprising that some of them channel this frustration into violence. One cornerstone of the extremist rehab program is to get the “beneficiaries, ” as they are called, settled down with a wife as soon as possible. The Ministry of the Interior pays each unmarried beneficiary 60, 000 riyals (some $18, 000), the going rate for a dowry, or bride price. The family arranges a marriage, and whenever he can, Prince Mohammed turns up for the wedding. When Khaled Al-Hubayshi was released from Al-Haier prison early in 2007, he wasted no time finding himself a bride at government expense. Robert Lacey
We try to transform each detainee from a young man who wants to die to a young man who wants to live. Prince Mohammed bin Nayef Robert Lacey