Quotes From "Inner Peace Outer Success: The Reintegration System: Spiritual Growth Healing Solving Problems And Achieving Goals With Cuttingedge Mind..." By Nebo D. Lukovich

This lasting change can essentially be achieved in two ways: through suffering or through wisdom. Either we painfully push forward through any obstacle or disappointment, learning our lessons the hard way and emerging from the experience more mature, or we choose a path of love, consciousness, and wisdom, which also makes us mature, but in a far more enjoyable and effective manner. Nebo D. Lukovich
In the Reintegration System, a problem or unwanted state of mind is viewed as a distinct part of the personality and reintegrated as such into the unity of one’s being. Every seemingly challenging part of our personality was initially part of the highest intention for our being. It is over time that it degraded and became a lower state of delusion. Our aim is to target such parts and work them back into the wholeness of our being. . Nebo D. Lukovich
The world outside is a strange, but relentless mirror.
The world outside is a strange, but relentless mirror. Nebo D. Lukovich
Any person or thing of significance to you unconsciously plays a role in mirroring your own internal universe, just as you do theirs. Nebo D. Lukovich
We need freedom, not through suffering, but through wisdom. Nebo D. Lukovich