Quotes From "Inherit The Wind" By Jerome Lawrence

Buy a Bible! Your guide to eternal life! Jerome Lawrence
When you loose your power to laugh, you loose your power to think straight. Jerome Lawrence
A giant once lived in that body. But Matt Brady got lost. Because he was looking for God too high up and too far away. Jerome Lawrence
He weighs the volume in his hand; this one has been the center of the whirlwind. Then DRUMMOND notices the Bible on the JUDGE's bench. He picks up the Bible in his other hand; he looks from one volume to the other, balancing them thoughtfully, as if his hands were scales. He half-smiles, half-shrugs. Then DRUMMOND slaps the two books together and jams them in his brief case, side by side. Slowly, he climbs to the street level and crosses the empty square. Jerome Lawrence
Why? Because I refuse to erase a man's lifetime? I tell you Brady had the same right as Cates: the right to be wrong! Jerome Lawrence
All motion is relative. Perhaps it is you who have moved away-by standing still Robert E. Lee
We must look hopeful. Jerome Lawrence