Quotes From "Im Just Here For The Free Scrutiny: One Models Tale Of Insanity And Inanity In The Wonderful World..." By Abby Rosmarin

The modeling world — and the world at large — is a pretty cruel place. It’s up to you to decide whether or not that turns you into a cruel person as well. Are you going to be mean and selfish because some of the people around you are, or are you going to overcome that and walk away a decent human being? The world gives you every reason in the book to become callous. It’s your job not to become that way as well. . Abby Rosmarin
I learned that, while rejection is the name of the game, I’m always going to be exactly what someone is looking for, eventually. Whether it is looks or personality, be it in the professional world or the dating world, what others have over me is irrelevant, because there’s always someone out there looking for an exact type of someone — a someone that I can completely fulfill. I’m not going to be everyone’s ideal, so focusing on the times I get passed over — be it the modeling industry or in real life — is a colossal waste of time. Abby Rosmarin
Hard work, determination, and talent are key for any successful venture. But sometimes you need that fourth ingredient: dumb luck. Luck can never replace hard work and talent, but sometimes it can win out over both. Abby Rosmarin
Reality is never what you imagined it would be. Sometimes it’s better. Sometimes it’s worse. And sometimes it’s just different. It’s not worth wasting time and energy trying to predict how things are going to turn out. Just go with the flow and keep your eyes and ears peeled. Abby Rosmarin
We’re all looking for a bit of recognition, even if it’s the unconscious and hypocritical need for attention over the fact that we’re not publically seeking out attention. Abby Rosmarin