Quotes From "Ida B And Her Plans To Maximize Fun Avoid Disaster And (Possibly) Save The World" By Katherine Hannigan

I was saying the right things, but not the really...
I was saying the right things, but not the really true things. Katherine Hannigan
I just loved making words into stories by the sound of my voice. Katherine Hannigan
...how do you run and play when you feel like there are bricks of the heaviest sadness weighing down every part of your body? How do you laugh and talk when there are no laughs left inside of you? Katherine Hannigan
...sadness is a powerful foe, maybe harder to keep down than happiness... Katherine Hannigan
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and filled myself up with the breeze from the valley. Then I let it out slow so it could get back to its travels, with a little bit of me added to it. Katherine Hannigan
It thought about the magic that happens when you tell a story right, and everybody who hears it not only loves the story, but they love you a little bit, too, for telling it so well. Like I love Ms. Washington, in spite of myself, the first time I heard her. When you hear somebody read a story well, you can't help but think there's some good inside them, even if you don't know them. Katherine Hannigan
There is never enough time for fun. Katherine Hannigan
There's more than one way to tell each other things, and there's more than one way to listen, too. Katherine Hannigan