Quotes From "I Jedi" By Michael A. Stackpole

Life is not without pain, but life concerns itself with how we handle that pain, or joy, or confusion or triumph. Life is more than time passing before death, it is the sum and total of all we make of it. Michael A. Stackpole
I have nothing against kids–as long as they go home with their parents at the end of the day. Michael A. Stackpole
Selflessness is the only antidote to evil. It provides the light that destroys the dark. Michael A. Stackpole
Your intentions will be good. Without consideration and forethought, however, your actions could still be evil. That is the problem, of course, evil is always easy and resisting it is never so. Evil is relentless; and anyone, if they tire, if they are not vigilant, can fall prey to it. Michael A. Stackpole
This is the purpose of life, is it not? To create life is the greatest act a living creature can commit. Michael A. Stackpole