Quotes From "I Dont Know: In Praise Of Admitting Ignorance" By Leah Hager Cohen

The ignorance we’re ignorant of is the ignorance most difficult to remedy. Leah Hager Cohen
That our intuition could lead us astray is troubling in direct proportion to the degree of trust we place in it. The solution would seem to be: Don’t be overly trusting. Mix in a healthy dose of skepticism. But suppose we don’t have a say in the matter? Suppose we’re hardwired to trust–to believe in–our instincts, regardless of whether they’re right? Suddenly the problem of not knowing becomes a lot more complicated. . Leah Hager Cohen
Our civic life is heavily marked–indeed, pocked–by debates in which each side is so certain of its position that any movement is effectively impossible. For that matter, debate–in its original sense of “to consider something, to deliberate”–is impossible. We wind up with so much sound and fury and nothing gained. Leah Hager Cohen