Quotes From "How To Build Selfesteem And Be Confident: Overcome Fears Break Habits Be Successful And Happy" By Maddy Malhotra

God is full of love, joy and peace. Every religion has said that God is within us or we are a part of God so why do we think small? Why do we have limiting beliefs about our success? Why do we not love ourselves? Why do we have fears? Isn’t thinking negative/small a sin then? Maddy Malhotra
It's easy and natural to be thankful when your expectations are met. The real test of your faith is when things don't go your way, or when you are in pain. Maddy Malhotra
Choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely. Be your own best friend, and not your enemy. Maddy Malhotra
Transform from being a fault-finder and blamer to a happiness-finder and appreciator. Maddy Malhotra
Transform from being a fault-finder and blamer to a happiness-finder and appreciator. Positive emotions will increase in your life. Maddy Malhotra
CHOOSE WISELY'Birth wasn't your choice, and neither shall death be. But the way you live your lifeis your choice, buddy. Maddy Malhotra
The quality of our thoughts and emotions impact our body more than the quality of the food which we eat. Maddy Malhotra
Problems are inevitable. Happiness is optional. Maddy Malhotra
Transform, from a fault-finder and blamer to a solution-finder and appreciator. Maddy Malhotra
The key to achieving desired results and gaining freedom from unwanted feelings lies within you. Maddy Malhotra
Running a marathon with a backpack is tough and may hinder you from winning the race. Don’t let the baggage from your past - heavy with fear, guilt, and anger - slow you down. Maddy Malhotra
It's not physical weight which stops us from moving forward in life. It's the mental baggage we carry all day long which sabotages our success and happiness. Maddy Malhotra
Don't be enslaved by your negative thoughts. It's your mind, so take control of it - now! Maddy Malhotra
The greatest pollution problem is not found in the atmosphere, water, or soil; but in the minds of 90% of the population, which are contaminated with negative thoughts and beliefs. Maddy Malhotra
Depression, anger, and sadness are states of mind, and so are happiness, peace, and contentment. You can choose to be in any of these states because it's your mind. Maddy Malhotra
Your mind can make the darkest day bright and the brightest day dark. Maddy Malhotra
Like food is to the body, self-talk is to the mind. Don't let any junk thoughts repeat in your head. Maddy Malhotra
No child ever became ‘good’ by being told that she or he was bad or by beating her/him. Maddy Malhotra
It's not hard to create self-beliefs that produce a successful and happy life. The main job is to unlearn your limiting beliefs. Maddy Malhotra
Others can’t give you inner-peace. Your children, spouse, priest or friends can’t give it to you. You have to create it yourself. Maddy Malhotra
What you see, say, think, and believe about yourself affects your feelings, decisions, and actions. Maddy Malhotra
You deserve to be rich. You deserve to live a happy life. You deserve peace of mind. You deserve respect. You deserve loving relationships. And YES, it’s all possible. Maddy Malhotra
Limiting beliefs are a virus of the mind. They decline your success and happiness. Maddy Malhotra
Don't let a mediocre person tell you what you are capable of or how your future is going to be. Maddy Malhotra
There is no dictionary in the world that includes the words ’skinny’ or ‘fat’ under the definitions of ‘beautiful’ and ‘ugly’. So, focus on being healthy and stop the self-criticism. Maddy Malhotra
If you think you’re worthless, you’re not - but your limiting self-beliefs are. Change them. Maddy Malhotra
Why don't we learn about the mental health which affects every minute of our lives?. .. Where is the school for learning [about] positive mental health? Maddy Malhotra
A sad truth is that we don't know what we really believe! We don't know how we operate. We don't know what is holding us back. We don't know why we do what we do. Maddy Malhotra
Many people can't sing their praise or feel proud of themselves in front of others because they are scared to be labelled as 'arrogant' or 'big-headed'. Social acceptance is more important than self-esteem in the 21st century - and that’s not good. Maddy Malhotra
They programmed you with the best of intentions but unfortunately their best was mediocrity. Maddy Malhotra
The thoughts and beliefs that you repeat in your mind when you are experiencing a negative situation become your reality. Your subconscious will make sure these limiting thoughts and beliefs are manifested. Maddy Malhotra
A successful person is just a novice who started and kept on going. Maddy Malhotra
Nothing restricts your peace and happiness more than your limiting self-beliefs and fears. Maddy Malhotra
Physical nutrition is required to survive but you need to be mentally/emotionally healthy to thrive. Maddy Malhotra
At the end of the day it’s not ‘what looks good’ that matters, it’s ‘what feels’ good. Maddy Malhotra
To experience positive/healthy emotions you don’t need a big house or a nice car or a managerial job or a million dollar in your bank. Maddy Malhotra
Most people ask ineffective questions of themselves, in their head, which trigger lame or negative thoughts and negatively affect their feelings, decisions and results. Maddy Malhotra
In many situations, the only thing you can control is your own response. Changing self-talk from negative to positive is an excellent way to manage that response. Anger destroys your health and relationships. Maddy Malhotra
How you talk to yourself, in your head, determines how you feel about yourself, and determines the actions you take. Maddy Malhotra
Most of us are unaware of the words we use on a regular basis. We weren’t taught that the words we regularly use to describe our experiences and conditions in life impact and influence our emotional states. Maddy Malhotra
Unknowingly we make our emotional states worse by using and relating high-intensity negative words to our experiences in life. You can use empowering/positive words to change how you think, which will then change your feelings, decisions and results. Maddy Malhotra
Wisely selecting the words we use to describe the experiences in and of our lives can make us feel better thus impacting our decisions and actions. Maddy Malhotra
The questions we ask ourselves, in our head, determine where we focus, how we think, how we feel, and what we decide and do. Maddy Malhotra
What are you addicted to: being thankful for your blessings or moaning about your problems? Maddy Malhotra
Road accidents, psycho killings, plane crashes abound - we don't know which day will be our last, so why not make today the happiest day and be thankful for all that we have? Maddy Malhotra
Don't wait to celebrate life until you retire, because you never know the day you will expire. Maddy Malhotra
To have more, you must genuinely thank more. Maddy Malhotra
If you aren't happy for what you already have then what makes you think you will be happy with more. Maddy Malhotra
You may know how to operate computers. You may know a lot about medicine or robots. You may be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or specialist… but, if you don’t know how YOU operate, why your life is the way it is, and how to increase fulfillment, love, and peace in your life - then all the knowledge and degrees aren’t really worth much! Maddy Malhotra
Stop listening to people who don’t experience happiness, success, peace, and fulfillment themselves. Don't let them tell you what is right and wrong! Maddy Malhotra