Quotes From "How Can I Get Through To You? Closing The Intimacy Gap Between Men And Women" By Terrence Real

...changing one's own behavior is a much more promising strategy...
...changing one's own behavior is a much more promising strategy than insisting on change from the other. Terrence Real
Despite all of their flaws and difficulties, these men don't want to walk out on their own lives, leave their wives and children. They want to come home. Terrence Real
Women are unhappy in their marriages because they want men to be more related than most men know how to be. And men are unhappy in their marriages because their women seem so unhappy with them. Terrence Real
...strength is not the absence of vulnerability. Strength is knowing what your weaknesses are and working with them. Terrence Real
We are so busy attempting to manage the result that we fail simply to run the race. Terrence Real
Revenge is really a perverse form of communication, a twisted attempt at repair. Terrence Real
Learning to listen relationally, listen with cool heads and clear boundaries, listen with the quietness of the heart and the gentleness of the body, means having a self so developed it can afford to yield. Terrence Real
The paradox of real love is that our capacity to sustain intimacy rests on our capacity to tolerate aloneness inside the relationship. Terrence Real
As women shut down their needs, they also shut down their sense of pleasure. Terrence Real