Quotes From "Hold Still: A Memoir With Photographs" By Sally Mann

Part of the artist's job is to make the commonplace singular, to project a different interpretation onto the conventional. Sally Mann
The act of looking appraisingly at a man, studying his body and asking to photograph him, is a brazen venture for a woman; for a male photographer, these acts are commonplace, even expected. Sally Mann
I'm going out on a limb here and say that I believe my morality should have no bearing on the discussion of the pictures I made.. Oscar Wilde, when attacked in a similar ad hominem way, insisted that it is senseless to speak of morality when discussing art, asserting that the hypocritical, prudish, and philistine English public, when unable to find the art in a work of art, instead looked for the main in it. Sally Mann
I tend to agree with the theory that if you want to keep a memory pristine, you must not call upon it too often, for each time it is revisited, you alter it irrevocably, remembering not the original impression left by experience but the last time you recalled it. With tiny differences creeping in at each cycle, the exercise of our memory does not bring us closer to the past but draws us further away. Sally Mann