Quotes From "Hitler Burns Detroit" By Allan Dare Pearce

Family is more important than anything. Allan Dare Pearce
Anyone hurts my family, I slap them down. A man does for family. That's one of the rules I got from my pa. His rules for being a man. Allan Dare Pearce
Racism, Dr. Sam. I worry for my kids about racism. Racism doesn't appear to take holidays or time off. What can I do about this stuff? Allan Dare Pearce
These young people are going to change the world. Allan Dare Pearce
Kids are important. The most important thing. Allan Dare Pearce
Some days in the camp you prayed to live; some days you prayed to die quick. Some days you didn't bother praying, knowing there was no sense to anything. Allan Dare Pearce
My pa maintained that there are three important parts to a man. You got the heart, the brain, and the python. Allan Dare Pearce
People have been bred to hate for generations -- eons, maybe. Some fundamental urge. Something implicit in the human condition. Allan Dare Pearce
Come meet my dog."" What's the dog's name?"" Justice."" Nice touch for a judge. A dog named Justice. Allan Dare Pearce
Schizophrenia. Always a bitch. Allan Dare Pearce
Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. Allan Dare Pearce
They'll want to kill the crazies first. Big fish eat little fish -- always have, always will. Allan Dare Pearce
Insanity is not a fit topic for high-school children. Allan Dare Pearce
A woman only needs one pair of shoes for an outfit. But God, you've got to get it just right. Allan Dare Pearce
Your repressed feelings desperately try to climb to the surface but fail to do so, and in therapy we seek to reveal -- to uncloak, if you will -- these unconscious desires, the things that your mind tries to repress, those secrets of your soul. Allan Dare Pearce
Surely you can see the failings of the system. Inequality, injustice, unfairness, and exploitation-- Allan Dare Pearce