Quotes From "Hiroshima Notes" By

The dead can survive as part of the lives of those that still live. Unknown
Understanding comes hard to persons of high rank who are accustomed to phony lifestyles that involve no daily work. Unknown
The people of Hiroshima went to work at once to restore human society in the aftermath of the great atomic flood. They were concerned to salvage their own lives, but in the process they also salvaged the souls of the people who have brought the atomic bomb. Unknown
Hiroshima is like a nakedly exposed wound inflicted on all mankind. Unknown
We naturally try to forget our personal tragedies, serious or trifling, as soon as possible (even something as petty as being scorned or disdained by a stranger on a street corner). We try not to carry these things over to tomorrow. It is not strange, therefore, that the whole human race is trying to put Hiroshima, the extreme point of human tragedy, completely out of mind. Unknown
When the Russian delegate this summer indicated the Soviet Union's interest in sending medical equipment, Dr Shigeto went right away to see the delegate and settle the matter tactfully. He is careful to steer clear of the superficial swirl of political maneuvering, but never misses any opportunity to improve the capability of the A-bomb Hospital or to enhance concretely the welfare of the patients. In that sense, he sometimes refers to himself as a 'dirty handkerchief.' That is, he serves to filter political purposes out of relief efforts so that the effect on patients is purely and concretely humane. Unknown
It takes a person of great care and insight to watch for any abnormality in the green grass even while it grows abundantly and healthily. Unknown