Quotes From "Hex Upon Me" By Beth Mikell

He flipped back the covers. “Come here, I want to show you something.” She raised a brow impishly, “You still have moves I haven’t seen? Impressive. Beth Mikell
Do you play cards?” Her lips tingled from the light kiss, “In theory. Why? Do you have a hankering for Old Maid?” She teased, flashing him a smile. He placed his glass down and reached for an intricate metal crafted box. “Not even close. How about a little strip poker? Beth Mikell
Tell me something, princess, if I make a liar out of you…will you forgive me?” Hex James, Hex upon Me Beth Mikell
Do you think I would look good in leather?” His lips lifted in a half smile, “I’m sure they make a bikini top and thong that would be perfect.” Her laugh deepened, “But the hard part will be convincing me to wear it.” Savannah weighed her hands in the air up and down like a scale, “Sexy couture in public, absolutely. Trashy, revealing ho--not so much. Beth Mikell