Quotes From "Havisham" By Ronald Frame

We were perfectly decorous together. It took the will of both of us. I trusted him with me, and myself with him. Ronald Frame
That’s what friends are for, ” Sheba Ronald Frame
Some things belong to the past. Ronald Frame
Experience can never be undone, or knowledge unlearned. Ronald Frame
I’m not just a face, or a body. I’m a Havisham. Ronald Frame
Don’t we have to live a little first? And read later? Ronald Frame
Why d’you think she did it?” I told him I had no idea. He seemed disappointed that I shouldn’t know.“ A broken heart, ” I suggested.“ Do people suffer so much?”“ For love? Oh, I imagine so.”“ To drown herself?”“ Why does that astonish you? Dido threw herself on the flames.”“ In legend.”“ And real life’s different?” I asked. Ronald Frame