Quotes From "Guided Transformation" By Steven Cuoco

You cannot move forward in your life if you do not allow yourself to move. Steven Cuoco
Something ought to be said for those who see beyond what most cannot, and this most precious opportunity happens the moment when ones personal value begins blossoming its perfect absolute. Steven Cuoco
Go somewhere or go nowhere, the choice is yours. Steven Cuoco
We finish our own story. The details of our journey are still a mystery. Steven Cuoco
Your testimony begins the moment you demonstrate livable truth. Steven Cuoco
There is no pain and there are no sorrows. They no longer have permission to live in my today or my tomorrow. Steven Cuoco
In order to be creative rules cannot exist. The creative mind deserves no less. Steven Cuoco
You are the sum of what you believe. Your capabilities are limitless when you allow yourself to be so. Steven Cuoco
The results you deserve depend on your will to make your success happen."- Steven Cuoco Steven Cuoco