Quotes From "Golden Son" By Pierce Brown

Wisdom is found in the heart not the head.
Wisdom is found in the heart not the head. Pierce Brown
Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to...
Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to repair. Pierce Brown
I didn't mind that it was always about you, Darrow. That was what burned Tactus, but not me. I'm not in love with you like Mustang. I don't worship you like Sevro or the Howlers. I was a true friend. I was someone who saw your light and your dark and accepted both without judgement, without agenda... Pierce Brown
Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to...
Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to repair Pierce Brown
Love and war. Same coin. Different sides. I'm too wrinkled for either."" Maybe war will breathe some life into your old bones."" Well, I tried love last month." He leans close. "Didn't work like it used to."" Too honest, Lorn." I can't help but laugh. Pierce Brown
War is chaos. It always has been. But technology makes it worse. It changes the fear. At the Institute, I feared men. I feared what Titus and the Jackal could do to me. You see death coming there and can at least struggle against it. Here you don't have such luxury. Modern war is fearing the air, the shadows, fearing the silence. Death will com and I won't even see it. ~Darrow Pierce Brown
The Golds have everything, yet they demand sacrifices even from their own. This place is sick. This empire broken. It eats its kings, its queens, as hungrily as it does the paupers who mill its earth. Pierce Brown
He always thinks because I'm reading, I'm not doing anything. There is no greater plague to an introvert than the extroverted. Pierce Brown
Sometimes I wonder if he were raised a Red and I a Gold if he wouldn't have ended up a better man than I am now, and I a worse man than he ever could be. For some reason I think I could have been capable of great evil. Pierce Brown
There is no peace for great men Pierce Brown
Now I am their sword. And I do not forgive. I do not forget. So let him lead me onto his shuttle. Let him think he owns me. Let him welcome into his house, so I might burn it down. But then his daughter takes my hand, and I feel all the lies fall heavy on my shoulders. They say a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. They made no mention of the heart. Pierce Brown
Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark. Pierce Brown
Power is the crown that eats the head, ”... Pierce Brown
...power doesn’t shift. Power is resolute. It is the mountain, not the wind. To shift so easily is to lose trust. Pierce Brown
We never asked to bow. Who is he to say Red and Browns toiling to death is for the greater good? Who is he to say Pink children being harvested for rape, Obsidians and Grays for battle, is a necessity? How can he sit there and say that he alone knows what is best for me, for my family? It’s not his right Pierce Brown
Mustang..' I rest my hand on her wrist. Despite her strength, it's frail in my hands. Frail as the other girl's was when I held her in the deepmines. I couldn't help that girl. And now I feel like I can't help this woman. Would that my hands were meant to build. I would know what to say. What to do. Maybe in another life I would have been that man. In this one, my words, like my hands, are clumsy. All they can do is cut. All they can do is break. Pierce Brown
You will fall to ruin because you believe that exceptions to the rule make new rules. That an evil man can shed the trappings of wickedness because you want him to. Men do not Change... Learn the lesson now, so you don't have to learn it with a knife in your back later... Reputations exist for a reason. Pierce Brown
Liars make the best promises. Pierce Brown
Slaves do not have the bravery of free men. Pierce Brown
Like a sheep invited to a banquet in his honor thrown by wolves. Pierce Brown
And there's the beauty of space. A billion paths to choose. Pierce Brown
Darrow: "Does he really believe believe in magic?" I ask. Daxo Au Telemanus: "He says gnomes steals ear wax from him at night. Mother thinks he's been hit too many times in the head." Daxo backs away following his father. But he can't hide the his clever smile as he pops a jellybean into his mouth. And I see where the ones in my pocket came from. "I say he just lives in a more entertaining world than we do. Pierce Brown
You will fall to ruin because you believe that exceptions to the rule make new rules. Pierce Brown