Quotes From "Gods Of Ruin: A Political Thriller" By J.S.B. Morse

Right isn't always legal. J.S.B. Morse
When people start talking about Right and Left, they stop talking about right and wrong. J.S.B. Morse
The more laws that are created, the closer we get to lawlessness. J.S.B. Morse
It's illegal to forcefully take money from people unless you're the government. It's illegal to take someone's liberty, unless you're the government. It's illegal to kill someone, unless you're the government. Private organizations can do everything that government can do except for legally break the law. J.S.B. Morse
If you require force to promote your ideal, there is something wrong with your ideal. J.S.B. Morse
When enough people realize that they are slaves but don't have to be, revolutions happen. J.S.B. Morse
Harming one’s unalienable rights in order to serve justice is injustice. J.S.B. Morse
True unalienable rights do not require one to trample other unalienable rights. J.S.B. Morse