Quotes From "Game On" By Victoria Denault

Congrats, buddy. It's going to be hysterical seeing you try to parent. You're a disaster."" Thanks, asshole, " he says, but he's smiling because he sees the humor in my expression." I hope it's a girl and she grows up to be hot like her mom because that'll make it even more hysterical, " I added and chuckle. "You're going to have to buy a baseball bat to keep the boys away."" Oh God, don't even joke about that, " he warns. . Victoria Denault
I scan the room. Bunnies are always the most plentiful in Canadian cities so I'm not shocked that the Vancouver hotel bar is flooded with them. A very cute blonde smiles when our eyes meet. I raise my beer at her as a hello but cut off any further interaction by turning back to Jordan. "I've probably fucked half this room already, " I reply since I recognize a few of the pretty faces. "I'm just taking a breather right now. I'm sure one day soon I'll feel like conquering the other half." He chuckles and shakes his head. "And here I was thinking maybe our little Alex was growing up. Victoria Denault
Okay, on my first night, he tried to chat me up. You know how the story goes. ‘You have the most beautiful eyes, I’m very rich, want to see my bedroom?’ Blah, blah, blah.”“ And because you turned him down, he’s more determined than ever, ” Will guessed, with amazing accuracy. “You did turn him down, right?”“ Of course, ” I told him, insulted by the insinuation I would drop my knickers for a glass of wine. “Do you think I’d risk my job for a quick tumble in the sheets with him? . Kyra Lennon
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that I’d stumbled across the kind of man I used to find irresistible, or that he’d managed to stare right inside my head to locate my weaknesses. The thrill of being wanted while pretending not to be interested was a game I’d played over and over during my youth. I’d thrived on it. I’d done more than my share of getting mixed up with men who were all ego and muscles, and Radleigh McCoy reminded me exactly why I’d given them up. Danger, the chase. It was never worth the pain in the end. Unfortunately, my body hadn’t got the memo yet. Kyra Lennon