Quotes From "Galloping With Sound The Grand Cosmic Conspiracy" By Felix AlbaJuez

There is no problem more difficult to solve than that...
There is no problem more difficult to solve than that created by ourselves. Felix AlbaJuez
It is curious that the human mind could blindly accept...
It is curious that the human mind could blindly accept an infinite speed but had reservations to accept a finite one, simply because it was too large! Felix AlbaJuez
When we say two bodies 'touch', what we mean (without knowing it) is that both electromagnetic fields are interacting to avoid physical interpenetration and. .. that happens well before subatomic particles touch! Felix AlbaJuez
One of the various theories proposed to explain the negative result of the famous Michelson-Morley experiment with light waves (conceived to measure the absolute space), was based on the ballistic hypothesis, i.e. on postulating that the speed of light predicted by Maxwell's equations was not given as relative to the medium but as relative to the transmitter (firearm). Had that been the case, the experiment negative results would have not caused such perplexity and frustration (as we shall see in forthcoming sections). Felix AlbaJuez