Quotes From "Forever Safe" By Jody Hedlund

She smiled, and her smile was filled with all of the sweetness and forgiveness that she offered so freely - and that he didn't deserve. But maybe, as with God, it was time to finally stop condemning himself and accept the gift. Jody Hedlund
You challenge me to be a better person. And no one else does that, except maybe my mother. Jody Hedlund
You can't be perfect. No one is. That's why we need God. Jody Hedlund
And the only hope-perhaps the real hope he'd been missing all along-was found in God. Jody Hedlund
You're safe now. Jody Hedlund
Her face a mask of fury and determination. Jody Hedlund
But she'd learned instead to hope in the one Beacon that would always be there, no matter what darkness came her way. Jody Hedlund