Quotes From "First Kill" By Heather Brewer

A crease found it's way onto Joss's forehead. Because he was certain that Sirus was wrong. Girls were more complicated than boys. Girls communicated in a language that only they understood. And Joss wasn't sure at all that he would ever understand them. Heather Brewer
When will it begin, anyway?" Sirus held his gaze for a moment, his eyes full of concern- a concern that Joss didn't understand. "Probably sooner than you're ready for." "When's that?" "Well." Sirus sighed, as if doing the math in his head." It'll take us about three minutes to gather this stuff and get to the cabin, and another two or three for Abraham to realize you're here. So I'd say you have about seven more minutes of freedom left. Heather Brewer
Because pieces of your heart clearly weigh more when they're sitting shattered at the bottom of your stomach. Heather Brewer
Do you know how big snakes get? Or how many grains of sand are in the deserts? Or what lurks at the bottoms of the oceans' floors?"..." No."" Well, if you can't answer those simple scientific queries, then what makes you think that mankind is smart enough to discover vampirekind's existence? Heather Brewer
Do you know how big snakes get? Or how many grains of sand are in the deserts? Or what lurks at the bottoms of the oceans' floors?"..." No."" Welt, if you can't answer those simple scientific queries, then what makes you think that mankind is smart enough to discover vampirekind's existence? Heather Brewer
Someday, my young friend, you'll find out that girls are actually people too. Just like you and me. Heather Brewer
Joss's ears perked up. He loved libraries. Nowhere else in the world felt so safe and homey. Nowhere else smelled like books and dust and happy solitude quite like a library did. Heather Brewer