Quotes From "Fireheart" By Natalia Marx

Just as foreplay is the key to good sex, preparation is essential to achieving victory in battle. Right, lieutenant? Natalia Marx
Like a dried up spring, magic trickled forth with less and less strength, until one day, the people awoke and there was simply no more to be had. Natalia Marx
With a blade at your throat, a well-connected uncle or a wealthy mother could not save you. Only you could save yourself. Natalia Marx
Sometimes I wish I had never saved your neck from decapitation in Faroe. Then I could just descend into lewdness in peace. Natalia Marx
Leliana advanced like a predator, hair lashing like a whip behind her. She abandoned the reins, riding the horse like they had merged into one charging centaur. She aroused images of deities on winged horses, of untamed forests in a windstorm, of legendary heroes of legendary quests. Burning desire shot straight to his loins at the sight of her. He ached for this woman, this goddess that streaked across his vision like a figment of his imagination, of his deepest desires and most guarded wishes. He could lose himself, mind, body, and soul, to a woman like that. Any sane man would. . Natalia Marx
Syldor was not a land of oppressive rules, roles, and labels. Here, love and power were open to, for, and between all; woman or man, rich or poor. What mattered was the sharpness of your mind, the speed of your blade, and the heat of your touch. Natalia Marx