Quotes From "Fire On The Water: A Companion To Mary Shelleys Frankenstein" By P.J. Parker

He pushed a finger through the surface of the water to trace the outline of her mouth. Ethereal bits of flesh floated loosely about his knuckle and nail. Then, calmly, he pulled her body up out of the tub and into his arms. He placed his lips on hers, now as cold and dead as his own. P.J. Parker
The stuff of nightmares is not only relegated to unconscious thoughts upon a pillow, safely beneath an eiderdown. P.J. Parker
I have created something and let it loose upon the world. Whether it was my right to do so or not, I cannot say. At times I am filled with love for my creation. At others I am filled with regret and horror. But it is done. It has been created. P.J. Parker