Quotes From "Falling Out Of Focus" By Brynn Myers

Stop thinking about all that is wrong, and focus on what is right. It's there that you'll step out of the crazy, rise out of the rabbit hole, and start living again. Brynn Myers
Without the journey and crucial moment of understanding, I would still be questioning everything before me. I know now that I must trust what comes next, for there is a plan greater than the one I can see at work. Brynn Myers
When a dream of dying actually becomes a chance to live... all you have to do is fall. Brynn Myers
I was drowning, but all I needed to do was breathe. Brynn Myers
It was 5:45pm when I decided my future. By 9:43 I was well on my way to making it all come true. At 11:16 I took the first step to make it a reality. At 11:17 I fell and found peace. Brynn Myers
The day I let all that fear and worry consume me was the day it all changed. I slipped off that bridge and fell into the void I’d always dreamt about. The thing was, that was also that day I started to live. Brynn Myers
I looked around I realized I was standing on the edge of the muddy bank with tall trees in the distance. I could see the sun rising over the water just as the sky glistened a beautiful rose gold with ombre shades of purple and blue——just like in my dream. But this wasn’t my dream or was it? I can openly admit I have been mentally lost for months, but now as I sit here with an irate otter yelling at me, the idea of lost took on a whole new meaning. Brynn Myers
I’m not broken. Not really, ” I sighed. “My name is Novaleigh. Novaleigh Darrow. Brynn Myers
Trust and faith have left you.” “He will help guide you back to them.” “Blessings to you on your journey. Brynn Myers
Oliver reached up for my hand and led me back into the living room area. “Can we try something?” I rolled my eyes. “Do I really have a choice?”“ You always have a choice, Novi, ” Oliver said. Brynn Myers
I fell into the water with a large splash and sunk like a stone. My feet guided the way as I drifted further into the murky depths. Down. Down. Down. Brynn Myers
When a dream of dying actually becomes a chance to live. All you have to do is fall. Brynn Myers
This is no dream, Novi. Everything you are experiencing is real and until you accept that, you will not be able to go home.”“ Yeah, okay. Sure. Twin queens, talking otters, Autumn Fae, houses suspended in midair. Yep, totally real. Got it. Brynn Myers