Quotes From "Falahas Journey Into Pleasure" By Jeno Marz

Your wonderful mind has a matching body, ” I heard Eyuran whispering into my ear through a thick veil of bliss, and found myself laying on my side, my spouse behind me, his hot palm slowly caressing my thigh, up and down. “So it’s good to give your body the nice treat it is demanding so explicitly.” His finger slid down my spine, making me tremble. “It wants and needs to be satisfied, ” his low voice soaked into my skin. Jeno Marz
All these years that I had been waiting for him to return, I had been too anxious and somewhat insecure to develop any plan of action. I had scrupulously avoided giving any thought to it until the time to tackle things head-on arrived, so now I was suffering the consequences of my own indecisiveness. But in all seriousness, what steady plan could there be in matters of the heart? Jeno Marz
Personally, I could care less about how people chose their graves. What I do care about is that I don’t want to be dragged along into one, especially by someone who has already lived their life to the fullest. Jeno Marz