Quotes From "Faggots" By Larry Kramer

Of the 2, 639, 857 faggots in the New York...
Of the 2, 639, 857 faggots in the New York city area, 2, 639, 857 think primarily with their cocks. You didn't know that the cock was a thinking organ? Well, by this time, you should know that it is. Larry Kramer
Holy shit,
Holy shit, " somebody muttered in the dark." A virgin, " sputtered another." I didn't know they still made them."" He just did. Larry Kramer
Well, kid, I have seen the future and it shits. Larry Kramer
All your life has been a journey to find an identity. Larry Kramer
It’s the oldest story in the world. You want him back, don’t you? Larry Kramer
For he knew there was a pit of sexuality out there and that he longed to throw himself into it. Larry Kramer
And what has been so awful in your life that you have to write about it?” Mrs Lincoln, a definite gall bladder, persevered. Larry Kramer
The warring conflict in man between the intellect and the libido shall never be twinned. Larry Kramer
When would insight, knowledge, hope, and beauty meld? Larry Kramer