Quotes From "Emmy & Oliver" By Robin Benway

Sometimes, the things people don't say are louder than the...
Sometimes, the things people don't say are louder than the words that come out of their mouths. Robin Benway
My hair was probably a disaster and my shirt was still damp, but I didn’t care. It was funny, I never cared about those things with Oliver. I didn’t worry about how I looked. All that mattered was how I felt. Robin Benway
...I turned the music back on and reached to turn off my lamp, trying not to think about anything for a few minutes. That's always impossible, though. It's easier to stop breathing than it is to stop thinking. Robin Benway
The more you start to love someone, the more you ache when they’re gone, and maybe it’s that middle ground that hurts the most, when you can see them and still not feel like you’re near enough. Robin Benway
The tears finally got the best of him and he pressed his palms to his eyes as his shoulders started to shake. He cried silently, in so much pain that there was no sound to equal it Robin Benway
Could you please stop dripping your sarcasm all over my car’s interior? Robin Benway
Tonight sucked" my dad said and I started to laugh hearing him say that. "What?" He smiled at me. "Isn't that the slang you kids are using? The lingo? Do I sound hip?" I just shook my head. "The only hip I hear is the sound of yours breaking. Robin Benway
You deserve more than just being our safety net Robin Benway
The only way I could describe what kissing him felt like was, like the last day of school, knowing that months of freedom and sunshine lay before you, the feeling that you could do anything you wanted and time stretched out in endless possibilities. Robin Benway