Quotes From "Elysium" By K.B. Ezzell

I dream of the stars, ” I let the words...
I dream of the stars, ” I let the words slip gaily from my mouth as my imagination finally got carried away. “I dream of taking every one of them in my hands and kissing them. K.B. Ezzell
Sometimes, trust is something born only out of necessity. A curtain we draw to hide the ugly truth in order to convince ourselves that everything is fine, when deep down, we know nothing is fine. Crazy logic, I know. But take it from someone who knows. I trust people just enough to keep my head above water, but never completely. No matter how much you invest in a person, no matter how much think you can trust them, you can always be fooled. K.B. Ezzell
I rocketed a commanding finger to the heavens and it rained stardust upon our young heads. K.B. Ezzell
I wrapped my fingers around the first light I saw and felt all at once so happy and so sad and so free. My hand was cold somehow as I lifted the tiny star out of the water and brought its trembling, burning form to my face. I kissed it gently and laughed like a child as my face seemed to become angelic for a few moments. The star laughed back at me in little sweet notes, and I released it back to the sea. I can still feel the star in my hands to this day. You can have your noctiluca scintillans, your petty protists in the sea. I prefer to sail among the stars. . K.B. Ezzell
Is the ocean simply a great pool of tears? I should like to think that even the stars must cry. K.B. Ezzell
Bravery is never measured by the magnitude of the actions, but rather by the choices made. K.B. Ezzell
The ocean will always betray me. No matter how beautiful it is. K.B. Ezzell
One of my greatest obsessions is the lights of a city. Through my eyes there is nothing so delicious and rich and lovely. K.B. Ezzell