Quotes From "Ego: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness Emotional Intelligence And The Language Of Love" By Taite Adams

...the longer one stays in full flight from reality, the more painful will be the landing. Taite Adams
...frankly, many times, the people that we resent either have no idea about it or could care less. Taite Adams
We are not obliged to like everyone, only to love and forgive everyone, sometimes from a distance. Taite Adams
Ego doesn't want us to be loving, forgiving and kind to each other or even to ourselves. Taite Adams
Desire as a motivator for achievement and even for survival isn't a bad thing. It's when desire drives us to grab more than our share or harm others that issues arise. Taite Adams
Our reputations are so out of our control that it's laughable how much time and effort so many of us put into trying to "control" them. Taite Adams
Ego very much wants to make you think that your self worth is all about what you possess, what you've accomplished, and who you know. Taite Adams
If you are worrying about reputation, you are taking time away from doing the things that really matter. Taite Adams
When relying solely on ego, we are given many messages that are contrary to the achievement of that happy and fulfilling life that most of us actually desire. Taite Adams
The ego is never satisfied. So, if you're not satisfied with what you have right now, consider what is driving you. Taite Adams
The more "things" I have, the more time I spend thinking about them, moving them around, fixing them, looking for them, or upgrading them. Taite Adams
When denial is in play, a person simply refuses to recognize the truth, no matter how apparent. Taite Adams
Ego sends a lot of messages through the sub-conscious that do not serve our true nature, even a little bit. Taite Adams
Negative thinking will not produce positive changes - ever. Taite Adams